Saturday, April 07, 2007

OOps it's April

Well I have nudged my word count up slightly - beginning to think I am the slowest writer on the planet. I really want to have a first draft finished by the end of June and I can still make it - I just have to push on. The more I write of the latter part of the novel the more I sense how much work I will have to do back at the start - something to deal with on a second draft. I shall banish that niggle and forge on. But for the next few days I will be consuming easter eggs and gardening - what a fab combination!!! Happy Easter!


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

My first draft took me nine months. Then I had to write another 20,000 words back at the start! You are not alone. Keep going - you'll get there.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Zinnia - You have no idea how good your words sound today. I feel part of the writing fold again instead of an isolated writer whose internet problems have been driving her up the wall! It sounds like your own writing is going really well. Thanks for the encouragement!