Saturday, April 21, 2007


Now that my word count is zooming up I just want to be writing but here it is Saturday morning and I have about 3 hours of paid word that has to be done today and I don't want to do it!!! I feel a tantrum coming on and I know the longer I waste throwing negative thoughts at it the harder it will be just to get it done. I have thoughts of my story and characters erupting through my head yet I have to ignore them and do this very dry paperwork. Oh to have a generous benefactor!! Ha ha. Time to leave fantasy land behind and knuckle down - actually I feel better for having outed my terrible thoughts. Maybe I can get the work down in 2 hours and then have an hour to write. This needs chocolate and a steady supply of coffee - can I do it? I'm off to find out!


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

I know that feeling soooo well. I hope you got the paid work done quickly.

NoviceNovelist said...

Ah Zinnia, it took longer than expected but is done now!!! Managed to get 300 words written in the cafe at our gym as I waited for hubby to finish his swim - so all was not lost!