Sunday, August 05, 2007

Gorgeous Day

The sun is shinning here on the coast and I'm in my shorts!!! Very exciting - The Aussie in my just has to be outside on a day like this so we're off to buy a new sun umbrella for the patio then I'm going to lie on a sunbed to finish Souvenir - I'm totally hooked on it and need to know where it's all heading. I shall try and do some writing later when the sun sets.

Still fighting the anxiety of being close to submitting to agents - it's almost too scary to contemplate - because I know that once I open that door I'm laying myself bare. There is something safe in keeping your writing close and something very scary about venturing into the 'business' side of it. Maybe I'm just feeling this acutely because I'm not quite ready to submit. Perhaps I'll feel bolder when I can sit back and say 'OK' it's time for the jiffy bag. Who knows?

I'm beginning to wish I'd paid more attention to science and maths at school and had a job that deals with black and white, right or wrong...too many variables in fiction but I know that's what makes it exciting. And I'm sure that science is also plagued with 'if I go down this path...etc etc.'

Ah well for now it's off into the Sunshine!


Lisa said...

Enjoy the sunshine and Souvenir. I did virtually nothing but read when I got my copy, but it was worth it. Do you have a trusted friend who has read your manuscript for you? If you haven't asked someone who you trust and who has an opinion you respect to read it and give you honest feedback, you may want to consider it. That level of review will likely serve you well and help bolster your confidence when you enter the query process. The very best of luck to you!

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Lisa - I am about to give it to a very trusted writer friend so shall await her feedback. It's just a matter of hanging in there isn't it regardless of how confident or not you are feeling? I spent all y'day finishing Souvenir - wow - it was quite a story. It took a couple of hours for my eyes to calm down after all the crying I did!

Thanks for the luck Lisa - I'll be counting on it!

Unknown said...

If you want professional advice before you submit you could try Hilary Jonhson's advisory service. Well worth the money and truly professional feedback.

Looking forward to reading Souvenir :-)

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Liz. I've heard good things about the service. Something to defnitely consider.

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Sunshine = lovely.
Submissions = scary.
The interface between creativity and commerce is uneasy at best. I know from published friends that, if I do get this novel published, I will never again have the luxury of writing another one in 'as long as it takes', so I'm making the most of it. And that's my excuse for spending time in the sunshine!

NoviceNovelist said...

Very apt comment there Zinnia. When I met with a few agents at the winchester writer's confr they all asked how long it had taken me to write my novel. It is scary to think that when (being confident this mornng!!) you get taken on the pace will step up considerably for getting the next book out.