Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Already

This has been a mad and crazy week at the paid job and I have not had a chance to write or work on my editing. I have sat morning to myself and shall hide away and continue reading my first draft. It is funny how you start to notice your own mannerisms in your writing - some of them good and some of them just plain annoying. I'm trying to banish certain bits of 'me' from my writing. I know it is inevitable that aspects of me will appear and I think it is tricky trying to analyse which bits are the unique elements that you need to keep and which bits you need to bin. It can be a it cringy hearing yourself on the page. Perhaps I'm just not experienced enough yet at reading my own work. I plough on - strangely enjoying the experience.

Off with the family to see the Harry Potter movie on the weekend in a cinema that has sofas!!!! We're all very excited.


Lisa said...

It's really helpful to read your work and try to see if you tend to overuse certain words or phrases. I think we all do it and I'm constantly editing out the same words. The other thing to try to look for is an overuse of adverbs. If you can find a trusted reader -- not always easy -- who will give you constructive and honest feedback and you can ask that person to read your work specifically to look for repetitiveness, etc., it's really helpful. Good luck!

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Lisa - my trusted reader has just received the first 10,000 words to read!