Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Go Slow

I'm mimicking the tube strike in London and having a go slow day. I woke up this morning and thought about all the things I had to do today and for the next few days - the list was overwhelming. I got out of bed and shuffled down to the kitchen, put the kettle on and made the first coffee. I stood drinking it as I looked out at the grey sky and felt the cool, Autumnal air drifting through the kitchen window. Then my great idea came to me - I was going to do everything at my own pace today and since I was feeling sluggish and relaxed - I was going to take it easy. I realise that every single day - including most Sunday's - there is always something on the 'to do' list. I guess that is part of the flow of writing and living.

I quite like a cracking pace most of the time but every now and again my body rhythms reset themselves and tell me to slow down - they also tell me it's time for a holiday! So far this morning I think I have been just as productive as usual - if not more so - yet I feel very calm - almost serene. I'm just going to plod through the day and quietly go about my business.
I'm off into the garden to rake leaves!


Lane Mathias said...

Good for you!
Sometimes a 'slow but steady' pace is actually more productive than running around manically crossing things off the 'to do' list... and a lot more enjoyable.

NoviceNovelist said...

You're right Lane - I had a brilliant day - highly productive and relaxing!