Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chaos and the writer

A lovely thing has just happened to cheer my writing soul. I entered a poem in the poetry section of the writing comps at Winchester Writers Conference this year and I was highly commended. I just got a lovely certificate and comments from the judge in the post. The feedback has really given me a lift - it feels great not to be always writing in isolation but to actually feel that someone has read something (someone who doesn't know you and isn't related to you!!!) and enjoyed it.

My other writing thing at present is I was very determined to write my second novel with a level of organisation attached to it - almost project manage it I guess. The first one was written amidst chaos really - out of sequence etc. My vow has vanished as once again I'm writing chaotically and shall have to repair it all at the end. The good thing is I actually don't mind and have accepted for now that this is the way its meant to be. I'm writing and that is the best part of all!!!


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Congratulations on your certificate, that's wonderful news.

I too intended being more organized when writing my present novel, but it doesn't seem to work as well when I do that. Best of luck with the writing of yours.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Debs. It's good to hear that you too are off the tried to be tidy school but can't be! Guess you have to go where the energy is.
Hope yours is going well.

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

That is great news; huge congratulations! And lovely to read such an upbeat post when many bloggers seem to be rather gloomy at the moment. Sounds as if you're doing really well.

NoviceNovelist said...

Hi Zinnia, I think the grey skies may be having an impact on life/mood! Writing through chaos in my new motto - I'm jusy giving in to it and see where it leads me!!! I'm trying also to ignore the garden and house chores piling up - they'll keep for a while longer!

Fiona Mackenzie. Writer said...

What an inspiring post. You go girl! And that poetry win is amazing as Winchester is a big, big event.