Thursday, November 08, 2007

Editing Nerves & Dark Thoughts

Oh how quickly it all changes. I'm still ploughing through the editing but my confidence seems to have taken a knock. I have had the first 10,000 words read by a couple of trusty readers - and their feedback differed rather radically! This has shaken me as I know don't know what to do. I'm waiting for my gut instinct to kick back in and tell me but it's having a hiatus. I thought I had finished and polished the first 10,000 but now I'm not so sure.

I keep telling myself every writer feels this way but it's not keeping the dark thoughts at bay. I shall plough on through the rest and just let my thoughts about the opening chapters stew somewhere in my subconcious. Hopefully it will spit back some fire at some point and I can decide what to do. I hate this feeling!!!

Did I really say I loved the editing process the other day? I must have been on a high imagining my book as R&J read of the summer!!! Today I can only imagine a pile of rejection letters splatting onto the hall mat. I should have put a warning at the top of this to say - don't read this if you need cheering up!!!!!


Lane Mathias said...

Sorry you're having the wobbles.
I would keep on with the editing and then maybe send it out to a crit agency.
Love the title of your book btw:-)

Nik Perring said...

That happens to us all. Certainly all the writers I know.

I'd suggest to keep going till the end and then look at it again when you've finished that draft. I'm sure some of the questions you'll have had will have answered with some new ones springing up to replace them.

I really do think it's important to finish. If there are things you're aware need fixing (or at least looking at again) then you can come back to them.

Keep at it and chin up!

What you're describing, btw, is the only writing process I know! Be nice if it was easier, wouldn't it!


Jenny Beattie said...

Oh yes, all very familiar. I'm sorry you're having a doubting time, and I'm sure you'll get your mojo back again soon.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thank you Lane, Nik & JJ - I shall keep ploughing on - I know that ultimately I'm the only one that can fix it - I'd just like a fairy godmother at the moment!!! I'm going to make a huge effort to leave the beginning alone for a while and keep going with the editing - then as you said Nik the answers may appear for me. I'm keeping my chin up!!!! Really nice to find your comments here this morning - they do help!!!! Lane I may send it out if I can't resolve this and get an objective eye to give it the once over.

Graeme K Talboys said...

If people say different things, it's not so much of a worry. Everyone reacts differently to a piece of work. It is when people all start pointing out the same things that you need to take note. Still not easy though, exposing your work to others. Moving forward is a good idea. And tell your doubts to take a hike. They haven't written a novel. You have and you should be hugely, immensely, and enormously (gigantically even) proud of that.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Graeme - solid words there and thankfully I'm out of the doldrums and plan to stay out for as long as possible. Good point about paying attention when they all say the same things.