Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Brighter Thoughts

I'm, pleased to say my mood has lifted since my last post. My equilibrium has been restored and I am a happier writer for it. I went to my writing group last weekend and they have set me straight and I seem to have my confidence back. I shall have some time to write - I hope - over the next 6 weeks as I shall be off in sunny Australia visiting family. My trusty laptop will be by my side and if I can drag myself out of the sun and into writing mode I shall power on with the novel. Until next time!


Jenny Beattie said...

Hope you have a lovely time...

Nik Perring said...

Have a great time!


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Just found your blog on my way from Lane's Write. God, well done you for getting all that done and seeing it through. Doubt is such a large voice that can easily loom large and we all get it. When you write in a vortex you get sick of hearing the words, sick of hearing your own voice say them over and over and before you know it you think it is all rubbish. Blogging for me has allowed me to start writing and the feedback is just so encouraging. Of course you never know if it is just that people are being kind but at least it is feedback that keeps me going. Good luck and keep the faith.

Annieye said...


Just read your blog. I'm currently editing my novel and feeling much the same as you.

Have a great time in Australia.

CL Taylor said...

Just popping by to wish you a very Happy Christmas :o) x

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Happy New Year!