Thursday, July 05, 2007

Does everyone run Errands?

My guilty, cheap and quick pleasure is to peak at the people magazine celebrity gossip site. What really fascinates me is the number of mega stars who are featured there supposedly papped whilst out 'running errands'. I'm a little baffled by this - on the way hand I think if I had squillions in the bank I'd be paying someone to run my errands. For example - last Tuesday I had a list of 'errands' to run in my lunch hour - I spent twenty minutes queuing in the bank to have a 40second transaction with the cashier, then I spent 10mins queuing for a coffee, another five queuing in Boots and another 10 queuing to get out of the multi storey car park. So my questions is WHY would you want to do all that of you could pay someone to do it for you?????

Then you read about stars who say they like to do errands because it keeps them 'grounded' Really???????? That is a worry - the day I chose to spent 20mins in a bank staring at the floor because the guy in front of me in the que seems a little unhinged and I'm avoiding eye contact - is the day I'll know I've really lost the plot!!!

What I'd like is for stars to 'fess' up and tell us mere mortals what it's really like to be pampered and mega rich and if it's so boring that you have to run 'errands' to get your kicks then WOW I'll swap with them for a few days.

I write this surrounded by piles of washing, ironing and some strange, teeny little black bugs that are nesting away in my study. It's chucking it down outside - my To Do list is screaming at me and all I want to do is watch something mindless on TV but it's 4:35 and I have several more hours of work to do - running 'errands' would be a holiday compared to what surrounds me here in the home!!!!


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Well ranted, that woman! And haven't we all just had enough of this b****y rain? It's July, for goodness' sake! Stop it now!!

NoviceNovelist said...

Hi Zinnia, You know I think that's the first time I've ranted on my blog - it felt good!!!! Oh this weather - I can't remember what it feels like to be in the garden and I've slipped back in to autumunal sloth mode where 'chocolate' is everything!!! It's a curse living so close to Tesco Extra! Bring on the heat and the sun!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting points. How wretched would life be if you had all that money and still were so disatisfied with life you simply had to escape your fabulous mansion and stand in lines with us "common folk" just to feel real?

I personally like to break free of my tiny home and head to "town." Leave the kid with the Dad, turn up the radio and drive. But, my home is tiny-- no mansion here! ;-)

Hope your weather improves! Ours is behaving oddly, too--one day autumn, one day mid-summer...


NoviceNovelist said...

Hi Saoirse, yes must admit that I too secretly like to hit the town with a list - I love a good list - must have fun things on it though - not just queing in the bank!!! Summer visited us here for the w/end - lovely!!! Hope you got some of it too. I don't think I'd like to live in a mansion - deoesn't sound very cosy - I'd have to make a little corner with all my fav things and hibernate there I think!