I feel guilty about being a bit grumpy today - there is no real reason other than a crappy week at work and a few little life hiccups to top it off - but nothing worthy of being a bit grumpy. You know when you have a knot in your stomach? Mine is sitting like a dark shadow that refuses to budge. I tried to be good and went to bed early last night, didn't drink any alcohol and then got up and went to a body combat class at the gym this morning. I snarled, sweated, punched and kicked my way through an hour and really gave it a 100%. Then I had a lovely spontaneous chat to a woman in the dressing room afterward, came home, had a good lunch and lay on the sunroom sofa and read the paper for an hour. So what's going on?
I think it may be writing. I always get a bit grim when writing feels out of control. At the moment my day job is consuming me and I'm resenting that. I feel like the intensity of it has taken me by surprise and I haven't had a chance to get all the little boxes of my life realigned to suit this turn of events. I don't mind my day job as a rule but it has suddenly got more demanding and I've had to go to endless meetings and my writing hermit is feeling a bit out of kilter. I think that's what it is.
I have the urge to spring clean my study but I'm not sure if this is a displacement activity or a genuine attempt to get my 'house' in order and then do a plan of action for the next few weeks. I hate feeling unsettled like this - maybe that's a better term for it. I'm not really grumpy just unsettled. I'll try and write for a bit and then tidy the study. Then I'll have a glass of wine and a piece of choccy as a reward. Feeling better already!
I can relate to not knowing whether the urge to spring clean is displacement activity or actually necessary. My work is EVERYWHERE and I want to sort it out, but I'm not really sure how.
I wish I had someone to come and do my filing and ironing and just generally find homes for all my things... we don't have all that much storage space here, and I can never work out where to put everything.
Oh well. Enjoy your wine and chocolate :)
Just popped by to let you know that author/literary agent/writing coach Orna Ross will be stopping by my blog today and will answer (on Monday) any questions left in the comment trail. You're welcome to drop in!
Hi b, I'd love that someone to do all those tasks - it would be fabulous. Tyring to find homes for objects is one of life's great challanges. I get the urge to just get rid of everything and have one pen, one notebook, one pair of sox - maybe that one is a but extreme!!! I aspire to minimalism!
Choccies and wine were heaven - much less grump today! Hope your w/end is relaxing!
Thanks Wordtryst - I'll pop over now.
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