Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Slogging Away

I'm still determined to make the Daily Mail contest deadline. I'm off to the Winchester writer's confr on Thur evening so I need to get my novel in the post by then. I'm on 76,000 words and it will be around 82,000 when done. It's been a really strange process as some of the sections are on their second and third drafts whilst others are still first and about 4,000 words are unwritten!!! I know what is going to happen just have to get it down. It's been good to have this deadline to aim for though otherwise I think I might have hung around and taken ages to finish it. It has really sharpened me up and given me a focus. The exciting bit though will be coming back to it in a couple of weeks and really begin to finish it. I'm looking forward to that. Off to have a break now though as I'm cross eyed and in need of sustenance!


Unknown said...

I'm so pleased for you! Enjoy the break and bring on the jiffy bags!

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Liz - back to the slog after my 'wimbleton' break!

CL Taylor said...

Oooh - go for it. You're so nearly there!