Saturday, June 02, 2007


Finally my word count has moved on. I've had a bit of a writing epiphany (sounds very grand - really means I saw how complacent I'd been!!!!)and seem to have found focus again. My aim now is to keep it. I started my writing session today by reading from the start of my novel as I felt I'd lost touch with it. It was a really good thing to do because I haven't read a lot of this stuff for several months. It has really gotten me back into the flow of it and the aim now is to finish it - quickly!!!


Unknown said...


NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Liz for making the time to visit me - Your trip sounds incredible!!!!!! Hope the jet lag passes quickly for you (if you suffer from it!!) The sunshine should help.

Unknown said...

Thus far the jet lag isn't too bad.....tomorrow will tell :-)