Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Feeling Grounded

I've started to read my novel from the beginning which I haven't done before and it's really helping me to get the final 15,000 words written. It's quite a bizarre process reading your own story. Sometimes I disappear into the story and then I get jolted out of it by sections that don't work. It's quite a challenge to work out why the bits that work - do so - and then try to use that information to inform how you 'fix' the bits that need fixing. Onwards!


Chris Stovell said...

Well done you - you are nearly there! What a great feeling.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Chrish - it is a great feeling - just have to hang on to it for the final few thosuands words!

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

It is a weird process, isn't it? I always find the last bit is the quickest, as the story threads come together. Hope it works that way for you too.

NoviceNovelist said...

Thanks Zinnia - It is really a strange process. I realy hope it is the quickest! I can't believe I'm 80% of the way there. Those numbers are inspiring me to keep going!