Monday, March 05, 2007

First Posting!!

I've been thinking about having a blog for a while but I've been too scared. It's a frightening thing to put your thoughts out there and I suppose I am using it as a form of therapy to try and stay sane and motivated as I attempt to write my first novel. I've been writing in various forms for a long time and never thought the novel route was for me, then a couple of years ago an idea popped into my head and I eventually realised it had the potential to be a novel. As I write this my word count is 48,000 and hasn't grown much in the past few weeks. I've hit that brick wall that writers talk about and a mixture of fear, anxiety and inertia has gripped me. I really need to get past it so I've decided to blog to see if it helps. It's gotta be cheaper than paying a therapist that's for sure!!!

I am a regular reader of about four other writer's blogs but they are all published novelists and make their writing existence sound a lot more exciting and glamorous than mine - maybe they lie? - and like me they are still in their pyjamas at 4pm - hitting the word count button every five minutes and wishing that the phone would ring and some over hyped salesperson would be on the other end trying to sell them a stairlift. Or the other possibility has struck me that every other writer I either know or read about really does lead an exciting and glamorous life whilst I languish alone, waiting for the muse, even though I know deep down that I shouldn't be waiting, that I should just be writing!!!!!

At the moment I'm waiting for the postman - the highlight of my day. I think he has me tagged as a potential stalker type and has taken to paying random strangers to rush up to the front door and shove the mail through whilst he hides behind a tree.

Maybe my thoughts will strike a note of familiarity with some other struggling writers out there. If not I shall blog on in silence and accept the fact that my writing life is an unexciting anomaly.


Helen said...

Hi IsabellaM - I saw your entry on Kate's blog and see you have joined the novel race! Thought I would pop over to your blog and say hello.

Your description sounds very much like my writing day except I think I hit the word count button every two minutes...

Look at all the other novel racers' blogs - you will find you are not alone! Good luck with it all.


Rose Red Art said...

Hey! I also saw your post on Kate's Blog. Welcome to the race!

Good luck with your first novel!

A. Writer

Unknown said...

Welcome to the racers and no you are not alone..........

Novelgirl said...

Hi Isabella - welcome to the race!

Your writing troubles sound similar to all of us - espically mine - finding it hard to write and not edit at the same time!I will get there hopefully soon!

Good luck with the novel - and wow 48k words is excellent - keep going!
